Technology that suffers the wrath of a catastrophic event like a wildfire is not a pretty sight. Here are some archive photos from the initial findings after wildfires ripped through the community of Fort McMurray, Alberta in 2016 with some pieces that eventually made their way to our labs for recovery assessment.

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CBL Pictures: When Fire Damage Makes Hard Drive Recovery Harder
Data With a Drip

23 September 2022

Data With a Drip

Spotted in the lab. This one needed a bit of specific pre-recovery work.

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CBL Pictures: Too Much

20 July 2022

CBL Pictures: Too Much

A look at a severely fire-damaged server spotted in the lab. Disasters don’t have to mean data loss but fires definitely make recovery much more difficult.

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Stranger Data – the Stranger Things We See in the Lab for Recovery

30 May 2022

Stranger Data – the Stranger Things We See in the Lab for Recovery

At CBL we’ve seen odd hard drives, and some stranger things, too.

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Behind the Big Data: Revealing Our Galaxy's Black Hole

18 May 2022

Behind the Big Data: Revealing Our Galaxy's Black Hole

Astronomers from the Event Horizon Telescope project revealed the first-ever image of the black hole that sits at the center of our galaxy known as Sagittarius A*. It was produced using observation data collected from the network of telescopes situated around the globe. How much data must you compute to get an image of an object that’s 27,000 light-years away, is 4 millions times more massive than our Sun, from a network of telescopes that make a dish the size of the Earth?

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