Technology that suffers the wrath of a catastrophic event like a wildfire is not a pretty sight. Here are some archive photos from the initial findings after wildfires ripped through the community of Fort McMurray, Alberta in 2016 with some pieces that eventually made their way to our labs for recovery assessment.

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CBL Pictures: When Fire Damage Makes Hard Drive Recovery Harder
CBL Pictures: Toronto Computes!

Jun 3

CBL Pictures: Toronto Computes!

Flashback to the late 90s when CBL had ads running in a popular local print paper/magazine about tech “Toronto Computes!”.

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3 Things Driving Data in 2024

Feb 2

3 Things Driving Data in 2024

In 2024, data trends are being driven by our creation, capacity to store, and the challenges of protecting it. Here’s a breakdown of those 3 key areas to watch this year in storage tech and data use.

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Machine Learning Makes Massive Black Hole Data Darker

May 3

Machine Learning Makes Massive Black Hole Data Darker

The first-ever image of a black hole was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope team in 2019. It required a lot of observation data and processing. Researchers have now produced a finer image using even more data from a new source: models generated using machine-learning.

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Beyond Bytes: Updated Unit Names Needed for Massive Digital Data

Nov 30

Beyond Bytes: Updated Unit Names Needed for Massive Digital Data

Gigabytes…Terabytes…Petabytes…Zettabytes… Naming units of computer memory follows a standard system of prefixes but after a certain range gets a bit informal. The common and even very large volumes we see in our digital landscape were covered for years. Until now. For the first time in 31 years the International System of Units (SI) has been expanded to include two more prefixes.

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