Technology that suffers the wrath of a catastrophic event like a wildfire is not a pretty sight. Here are some archive photos from the initial findings after wildfires ripped through the community of Fort McMurray, Alberta in 2016 with some pieces that eventually made their way to our labs for recovery assessment.

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CBL Pictures: When Fire Damage Makes Hard Drive Recovery Harder
CBL Pictures: Computer Paper

17 November 2022

CBL Pictures: Computer Paper

A throwback to the late 90s when CBL had ads running in a popular national print magazine about tech “The Computer Paper”.

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Why Big Tech shreds millions of storage devices it could reuse

7 October 2022

Why Big Tech shreds millions of storage devices it could reuse

A recent Financial Times longread delves into datacenter storage use, e-waste, data security and Big Tech’s reuse practices (or lack thereof). We share a related tech tip for the rest of us.

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Data With a Drip

23 September 2022

Data With a Drip

Spotted in the lab. This one needed a bit of specific pre-recovery work.

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Keeping Business Going When Extreme Weather Threatens Data

9 August 2022

Keeping Business Going When Extreme Weather Threatens Data

The NOAA prediction of an above-normal Atlantic storm season seems to be staying on course but while extreme weather can be bad for digital devices it doesn’t have to mean a bad day for data. Forecasts are a good reminder of the precautions and prevention tips you can take to protect data and keep business going in the event of tough climate threats.

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