April 11
We don’t often see fire-damaged drives that are in this bad shape. In a fire, rising temperatures affect the exterior and interior of a computer or storage device. Depending on the intensity, while metal and plastic external components twist and melt, sometimes the internal media surfaces are left intact. Often this is what we find in fire damaged hard drives – the platters and even some of the electronics are still in working condition and with some rebuilding a data recovery can be successful.
In the case of this drive, we see the extreme conditions have started to fuse components on the interior together – unfortunately rendering the data stored on the platters unrecoverable. Not all data loss situations, especially disastrous ones like this, have happy endings, but it never hurts to have our labs take a look (and gets us some more burnt drive pictures which Platter Chatter readers seem to really like!)
Category: data recovery
Tags: fire-damaged hard disk, fires, hard drive, photo