Fire Drill In Case of Data Disaster
Fire Drill In Case of Data Disaster

May 3

Get Your Disaster Plan together for Data Recovery; photo by cancsajn It’s Small Business Week and a perfect time for organizations to consider a data recovery fire drill to ensure business gets back in order in the event of a disaster, data or otherwise.

Hard drives in your computer system are not fail-safe and can and will fail for numerous reasons. Often those responsible for business IT may not be aware that one or more of the drives are acting up or about to go down causing major headaches for the users, owners and system admins alike.

To properly plan against a data loss crisis, running simulations now could prevent major headaches later. Check out our preparation tips after the jump.

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Saving Eyebeam's Media Archives from Sandy's Hurricane Floodwaters
Saving Eyebeam's Media Archives from Sandy's Hurricane Floodwaters

Jan 16

In October, Hurricane Sandy hit New York City causing a record storm surge to sweep through Eyebeam, leaving behind three and a half feet of saltwater mixed with sewage and corrosives. CBL is all-too-familiar with this sort of recovery scene. The data disaster threatening years of digital storage is featured in a great little video and article.

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Data Loss Toy Story - Crisis at Pixar Averted
Data Loss Toy Story - Crisis at Pixar Averted

May 14

This starts off sounding like every customer phone call we get every day. Pixar Animation Studio’s brush with a data loss disaster during the making of their film Toy Story 2.

Click through to watch this great video!

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Air France Black Box Data Recovery After Being Buried At Sea: Data is Resilient
Air France Black Box Data Recovery After Being Buried At Sea: Data is Resilient

May 16

Photo: wet disc; by kirsche222

French investigators reported Monday that crucial data had been recovered and downloaded off airplane black boxes from an Air France jet that went down in the Atlantic two years ago. How the data was retrieved out of the black boxes is not only interesting but a great example of how data is resilient, something that CBL Data Recovery sees first-hand in recovery and forensics projects.

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Recovery in the Recession
Recovery in the Recession

Jun 8

It was noted on that “Recent Gartner survey data of 475 IT decision makers in global enterprises with 1,000 or more employees found that more companies are actually postponing or scaling back computing projects rather than canceling them outright.”

“That might be so,” states Kalle Almer, Director of Business...

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