June 12

Okay. Has the search begun yet for a unique gift for your dad, stepfather, or grandfather for Father’s Day?

Does Daddy store his data on a Windows laptop, PC or server?

Does Father upload photographs of family vacations, birthday parties and other events from his digital camera to his PC ?

Does Papa keep the mortgage schedule on the PC? Are the household finances captured on a spreadsheet residing in a notebook?

If your dad thinks he is tech savvy, but he isn’t and you don’t want to hurt his feelings by telling him that he should have left “things” well-enough alone, the CBL Data Recovery Service Protection Plan is the present that keeps on giving…make that keeps on recovering.

These days, fathers don’t always know what’s best when it comes to computers and especially recovering data.

The CBL DRSPP available from CBL Data Recovery offers unlimited data recovery coverage for as little as $49.99US for one year ($99.99 for three years).

Check that Dad’s computer runs Windows and has a functional hard drive. If by chance the data on the registered hard drive is unrecoverable, you’ll receive a refund. You can check out the details and terms and conditions of the DRSPP here.

You wouldn’t call Dad a mechanic if all he can do is top of the oil or windshield fluid in his vehicle. Neither would you call him a computer guru. But, you will still call Dad on Sunday, June 21st and wish him a Happy Father’s Day. Won’t you?

PS— While you’re at it, why don’t you pickup a DRSPP plan for yourself?

Category: data recovery, helpful hints

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