June 29

Residents of some cities are already hearing and reading pleas from municipal officials restrict water consumption and to reduce their power consumption and the summer of 2007 is only one week old. Blackouts and brownouts have already occurred as air conditioners and fans are working overtime to keep workers and citizens cool.

Traditional summer warnings of severe weather approaching are also raising a red flag that potential disruptions in hydro service could occur.

Whether you are a residential or business computer user, you can take the following precautions to protect your data year round, not just during the dog days of summer:

  • Schedule and conduct regular backups of data.
  • Regularly test your backup to ensure it is functioning and capturing the correct information and check to make sure the backup information can be retrieved.
  • Keep your computer in a dry, controlled environment free from dust and smoke.
  • Use anti-virus software and update it frequently to scan and screen all incoming data.
  • Turn off your computer if it makes an unusual noise.

And, when temperatures are rising, violent summer thunderstorms are forecasted, and threats of tornadoes are on the radar screens of meteorologists, play it safe.

  • Use power surge protectors in the event your home or business environment experiences a power outage. A power fluctuation can disrupt software, damage your computer’s hard drive, and erase your valuable data.

When data does go missing, and it will, contact a reputable data recovery specialist .

Category: helpful hints, business

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