Data With a Drip
Data With a Drip

Sep 23

Spotted in the lab. This one needed a bit of specific pre-recovery work.

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Keeping Business Going When Extreme Weather Threatens Data
Keeping Business Going When Extreme Weather Threatens Data

Aug 9

The NOAA prediction of an above-normal Atlantic storm season seems to be staying on course but while extreme weather can be bad for digital devices it doesn’t have to mean a bad day for data. Forecasts are a good reminder of the precautions and prevention tips you can take to protect data and keep business going in the event of tough climate threats.

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Extreme Weather Conditions Tough on Technology
Extreme Weather Conditions Tough on Technology

Aug 16

Extreme weather conditions can be tough on our digital devices and data and with an above-average summer storm season predicted by the NOAA it’s a good reminder of the preparation and precautions you can take to protect business from climate threats and data disasters.

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CBL Pictures: Capsized bits & bytes from a Rowboat Expedition
CBL Pictures: Capsized bits & bytes from a Rowboat Expedition

Apr 23

An Earth Day throwback with some lost shots from CBL’s recovery for an ocean expedition

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Air France Black Box Data Recovery After Being Buried At Sea: Data is Resilient
Air France Black Box Data Recovery After Being Buried At Sea: Data is Resilient

May 16

Photo: wet disc; by kirsche222

French investigators reported Monday that crucial data had been recovered and downloaded off airplane black boxes from an Air France jet that went down in the Atlantic two years ago. How the data was retrieved out of the black boxes is not only interesting but a great example of how data is resilient, something that CBL Data Recovery sees first-hand in recovery and forensics projects.

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CBL Adventures: Part 2
CBL Adventures: Part 2

Mar 6

Mud and water was not enough to prevent CBL from recovering engineering schematics for a town in Venezuela. After the jump, watch video of CEO Bill Margeson telling the story of this data recovery adventure.

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Aftermath of Hurricane Ike - Data on Storm-Damaged Computers May Be Recoverable
Aftermath of Hurricane Ike - Data on Storm-Damaged Computers May Be Recoverable

Sep 15

As residents of the Greater Houston Area begin the cleanup after Hurricane Ike’s devastation, consumers and business owners alike who discover storm- and water-damaged computers in their homes and offices should follow this advice.

If you have family or friends in the Houston area, let them know they can...

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