3 Things Driving Data in 2024
3 Things Driving Data in 2024

Feb 2

In 2024, data trends are being driven by our creation, capacity to store, and the challenges of protecting it. Here’s a breakdown of those 3 key areas to watch this year in storage tech and data use.

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Beyond Bytes: Updated Unit Names Needed for Massive Digital Data
Beyond Bytes: Updated Unit Names Needed for Massive Digital Data

Nov 30

Gigabytes…Terabytes…Petabytes…Zettabytes… Naming units of computer memory follows a standard system of prefixes but after a certain range gets a bit informal. The common and even very large volumes we see in our digital landscape were covered for years. Until now. For the first time in 31 years the International System of Units (SI) has been expanded to include two more prefixes.

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Behind the Big Data: Revealing Our Galaxy's Black Hole
Behind the Big Data: Revealing Our Galaxy's Black Hole

May 18

Astronomers from the Event Horizon Telescope project revealed the first-ever image of the black hole that sits at the center of our galaxy known as Sagittarius A*. It was produced using observation data collected from the network of telescopes situated around the globe. How much data must you compute to get an image of an object that’s 27,000 light-years away, is 4 millions times more massive than our Sun, from a network of telescopes that make a dish the size of the Earth?

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4 Storage Tech Trends for 2022
4 Storage Tech Trends for 2022

Mar 8

How data is stored and where we use it isn’t exactly the same as it was 10 years ago, let alone even a few years ago. For 2022 multiple things are in play from technological advances to our data storage needs as well as general market forces. Here’s 4 storage tech trends to watch this year from HDD & SSD competition, to storage capacities, flash memory and the pandemic effects on data use.

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CBL Pictures: How it started... How it's going
CBL Pictures: How it started... How it's going

Feb 17

Some devices in the lab recently for recovery service with many years between them reminded us of a social trend comparing old and new.

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Shipping Capacity: Seagate reports 3 Zettabyte Storage Milestone
Shipping Capacity: Seagate reports 3 Zettabyte Storage Milestone

Apr 7

As creation and consumption of data continues to grow like never before, the storage giant claimed it has now shipped over three zettabytes of drive storage capacity, highlighting again how the amount of data in the digital world is not only climbing, but accelerating.

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Predicting Where Storage Is Going in 2021
Predicting Where Storage Is Going in 2021

Jan 25

As the year begins we look at trends in the digital storage world, projections for the market and technologies that will impact how data is stored and used in 2021.

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DataSphere Report Factors Pandemic Into Growth Forecast in Latest Update
DataSphere Report Factors Pandemic Into Growth Forecast in Latest Update

Sep 9

A new update to IDC’s DataSphere report forecasts continued growth of the world’s created and consumed data with a shifting data landscape impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We break down some of the key insights.

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Throwback: Creating the First Hard Disk Drive at IBM
Throwback: Creating the First Hard Disk Drive at IBM

Jul 3

A promotional film that IBM made in the 1950s looks at the creation of the first hard disk drive and is a retro video throwback to tech innovation and marketing of the time reminding us how far we’ve come and of artifacts from our own data recovery archives.

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Beyond Bytes: Navigating the Names Used to Measure Massive Units of Digital Data
Beyond Bytes: Navigating the Names Used to Measure Massive Units of Digital Data

May 20

Gigabytes…Terabytes…Petabytes…Zettabytes… Naming new units of computer memory may be fun but once you venture beyond the volumes we see in our current digital landscape it becomes a bit informal. Keeping track of just how large the numbers are isn’t so easy either. How much big data is there in a Yottabyte?

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Spring Ahead and Look Towards the Future of Storage
Spring Ahead and Look Towards the Future of Storage

Mar 18

Spring is the season for new beginnings so let’s look at how new applications with new requirements and breakthrough storage technologies will bring fresh approaches to the ways we use and store our data.

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Black Hole: It Takes Big Data to See The Big Picture
Black Hole: It Takes Big Data to See The Big Picture

Apr 11

The first-ever image of a black hole was revealed to the world by an international team of researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project in a culmination of years of work, astronomy and computer science feats. How much data must you compute to get an image of something that’s 55 million light-years away, has a mass 6.5 billion times that of our own sun, from a network of 8 telescopes that combine to make a dish the size of the Earth?

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CBL Pictures: #10YearChallenge #2009vs2019
CBL Pictures: #10YearChallenge #2009vs2019

Jan 25

Have you seen the social trend popping up the last few weeks using the hashtag #10yearchallenge? We liked seeing these and thought as we completed our 25th year recovering data we surely could also get involved with our own spin. Some of our followers online showed interest in learning more about exactly what was shown in the photo so here’s an expanded breakdown.

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Dissecting the Digitization: Data Age 2025
Dissecting the Digitization: Data Age 2025

Dec 18

The latest IDC Data Age 2025 whitepaper The Digitization of the World (from Edge to Core) is available now. We’re breaking down some of the key points in the report for you.

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Amazon Goes Grocery Shopping, Buys Whole Foods
Amazon Goes Grocery Shopping, Buys Whole Foods

Jun 23

More and more, businesses are looking for ways to blend brick-and-mortar stores with online services. The company that rules the online marketplace? Amazon. But Bezos is branching out.

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Plugged In: The Internet of [Every] Thing
Plugged In: The Internet of [Every] Thing

Jun 22

Plugged In: The Internet of [Every] Thing

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the biggest thing since the Internet. And it is, quite literally, huge. Notably, “the Internet is as much a collection of communities as a collection of technologies.” It connects computers and people. Now, the Internet far surpasses its original definition as a vast network of computer systems. It has expanded rapidly and could potentially include everything. In the Internet of Things, all kinds of objects and technologies can effectively “talk” to one another.

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Where Is Cloud Data Actually Stored?
Where Is Cloud Data Actually Stored?

Feb 25

How Cloud Storage Works

With the rise in popularity of cloud-based data storage, more people are asking where and how information is actually stored by cloud providers. More precisely, what exactly is the ‘cloud’, and how secure is storing and sending information through the virtual network? It’s important to have a basic understanding of how your information is being handled–particularly the aspects of a service provider that you should be cognizant of in order to ensure the safety and privacy of your data.

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Digital Universe of Data Continues to Grow
Digital Universe of Data Continues to Grow

Apr 28

The IDC is in with their latest report on the ever-expanding ‘Digital Universe’. Latest figures highlight that the world’s data is up to a staggering 4.4 ZETTAbytes.

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West Joins East: Western Digital buying Hitachi Global Storage
West Joins East: Western Digital buying Hitachi Global Storage

Mar 7

As seen in the NY Times DealBook Western Digital announced earlier today that it will be purchasing Hitachi Global Storage Technologies in a deal worth $4.3 Billion. The landscape of storage manufacturers just got a bit smaller, but it remains a massive growing technology industry.

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A Large Piece of Storage Technology History
A Large Piece of Storage Technology History

Feb 22

Do you know what this is being loaded onto a plane?

what is being loaded onto a plane here? Hint: a piece of storage technology history

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All We See Is The Code
All We See Is The Code

Sep 27

Unless you have experienced a hard drive failure, you may not be aware of the complexity how data is stored. A CBL data recovery expert sees a string of ones and zeroes organized in a perfect pattern otherwise known as your once-in-a-lifetime trip to Paris. It’s all about perspective.

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Storage for Students
Storage for Students

Sep 3

Summer is over. That is the sad reality for many students. For the upcoming school year, here are some suggestions for students who need that somewhere to store important data.

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With Tiny Tech Comes Great Responsibility
With Tiny Tech Comes Great Responsibility

Apr 29

These days, much of our important data is being stored on smaller technology platforms and this is increasing the risk of data loss. When an incident occurs the errors, and thus difficulty in retrieving data, are magnified because of the architecture and small scale. When problems happen with data, getting advice from a specialist who understands the inner workings of the technology can be the difference between data saved and data lost.

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Storage Solutions For The Home User
Storage Solutions For The Home User

Mar 26

HD videos, 12 megapixel cameras, digital music collections, oh my. The average home user now has more personal data than ever. Here’s a rundown of what solutions for large and reliable storage are available.

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More Density, More Problems
More Density, More Problems

Mar 18

Increased capacities have allowed users to accumulate and store all of their data, and removed mobile limitations, but it has also made recovery jobs a little tougher.

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USB 3.0 Devices Debut At CES
USB 3.0 Devices Debut At CES

Jan 14

This year’s Consumer Electronics Show was memorable for 3D television, e-book readers, and other gadgets. The one thing that stood out for us here at CBL was the debut of several new USB 3.0 devices.

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Business Continuity = Data
Business Continuity = Data

Jun 6

Many businesses and government agencies have implemented business continuity plans that include data backup to minimize downtime during a disaster or other unforeseen disruptions, but many organizations don’t realize data loss can occur despite having backup technology.

In May 2007, A&T came out with some key finding in its

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How Stable is Your RAID?
How Stable is Your RAID?

May 1

Storage is infallible. Or so you may think.

RAID Arrays do fail and through the doors of CBL Data Recovery disks from arrays do pass with increasing frequency.

Manufacturers frequently claim five 9’s availability, but when one of the disks of your RAID Array fails and then...

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